Sunday, August 22, 2010


School starts tomorrow morning for the little guys.  School starts tomorrow for Emily over at WSU.  Volleyball tryouts start tomorrow for Tori on campus.  Brent’s still hanging out waiting for something to happen.  Jim leaves for St. Louis EARLY tomorrow morning…like 4:30 or something.  My main computer is still dead, and I’m hoping it will be back to me soon…it’s tough to get stuff accomplished when some of what needs to be done is on that computer.  I have some emails to send and some things to post but have access to neither. Plus, I just flat out miss my computer!  I’m grateful for the laptop and all, but still…

The Honda is fixed!  :)  The Suburban has taken it’s place in the ‘dead car’ club and will probably be there for a while.  :(  Jim’s in St. Louis all week, then comes home and jumps with both feet into a new adventure—coaching JV volleyball at Tori’s high school.  That ought to be interesting.  Might make fixing my dead Suburban a bit tougher for him, but I sure hope not!  I miss it.  And I”m remembering one of the reasons we need to keep it:  for carpooling.  I’m completely out of it this week.  Since the car I have available this week won’t hold 6, I can’t drive Tori and the other two girls from the neighborhood to or from practice.  (Not enough room for me, the 3 volleyball players, and my dynamic duo on their carseats.)  I hate not doing my share!  Plus, it’s fun (and educational!) to drive the girls around.  I love listening to them talk and laugh…

I am excited to start homeschooling tomorrow.  I think.  After months of prayer, weeks of mental planning, and days of prep, it’s all set for the morning.  Ought to be interesting juggling speech therapy, teaching preschool, and homeschooling two kindergarteners.  Especially since they are at very different places academically.  Oh well.  At least that way I won’t get bored!  :)  As a bonus, maybe…just maybe…I’ll sneak in some time for coffee with a friend or two.  After all, with all the excitement, I will need a break once in a while.  Guess it’s time to start back with the early morning walking, too.  Anyone want to join me at 5 AM???  Maybe it’s good that I’m off to the airport at 4:30 tomorrow.  Can’t use the excuse that “I didn’t wake up.”   Hmmm…

And because I’ve been pondering this all afternoon, I’ll share it with you.  

Nothing comes into my life that isn’t allowed by Christ and will be for my benefit and His glory.

Profound, isn’t it?  It’s given me a fresh perspective on things…

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