Monday, May 12, 2008

Zhengzhou...and an EARTHQUAKE!!

Well, we made it safely to Zhengzhou. Not much to report--spent Sunday catching up and Monday doing adoption paperwork. Everything's moving along smoothly, and we just received our adoption decree from the civil affairs office. One piece of paper down, many more to go...

Tomorrow we're headed to Jiaozuo City SWI to complete more paperwork, including Logan's passport and notary work. It's a 2 hour drive to the orphanage so we'll be gone most of the day. Hopefully tomorrow evening there will be something more to post including pictures. One of the reasons I've been slow to post is that the computer is in the girls' room, so that they can do homework. Makes it much harder to get anything done, as Logan is permanently attached to my right hand and doesn't love spending time in the girls' room. Oh well...

Last night we tossed Ryan and Logan in the tub. They had a BALL together! It was so funny to see for the first time two boys truly playing together without any concerns about the language barrier. After the bath, Logan hopped out and had Daddy dry him off and put his jammies on. That's progress! He still doesn't like looking at Jim, so we were excited. One step at a time...

Logan's tummy seems to be bothering him a bit. May be all the fruit he's eating..or the fact that he eats everything he sees! Whatever the reason, we'd love your prayers for an uneventful trip tomorrow, since we're 2 hours one way on a bus. I just don't relish the thought of a 3 year old with diarrhea on a ride like that. :(

And yes, we had an earthquake today. It was felt here in Zhengzhou about 2:35 pm. Not significant--rather like the Seattle quake of 2001--but it appears that it was centered in Sichuan province, quite a ways from here. Our big concern right now is for two of our Beijing travel mate families, who are right now in Chengdu near the epicenter. We are hoping and praying that they are safe and that their babies have been safely delivered.

Jim and Victoria went to the store to get lunch and snacks. Once they return, we'll all head off for dinner, then tuck two little boys into bed. Thankfully, they have both been excellent sleepers on this trip. Logan goes down without so much as a word and sleeps through the night like a champ! I am SO excited by that!! Only one other child at this house has done this, and if the pattern continues, he will be our wonder-boy. :)

More later--the natives are getting restless and Hailey wants the computer again so she can work on her essay.


  1. It sounds like the transition for Logan is going pretty smoothly, Jennifer. That is great news. I'm sorry about his tummy, though. Can't wait to see more pictures!

    (Strangely enough, we experienced an earthquake too when we were in China picking up Linlee.)

  2. Thank you for sharing this awesome experience with us! We were looking forward to this recent post as word from our media is not very encouraging with regard to the earthquake. Glad to hear you're safe. We continue to pray for (and expect) your good health and safety. Taylor says "Hi" to Hailey, and she's hoping for a chopstick lesson!

  3. Glad to hear that you are safe. I was concerned when I read about the quake. Sounds like Logan is beginning to adjust to your family! YAY!

    I am enjoying reading your posts!

    God Bless,

  4. I'm so thankful that you are all well, and that the quake wasn't near you. What a blessing that Logan is doing so well. Continuing to pray!

  5. What a relief to see that you are all okay after the quake. It sounds like Logan is going to fit right in! Praying for the rest of your journey!

  6. I don't know how I missed your blog up to now, but I'm thrilled to be reading it!!! YEA! Go GOD!
