Wednesday, March 31, 2010

funny boy

Yesterday Ryan lost his first tooth. It was very loose, and he told me it was hurting. When I looked in his mouth, I was fairly certain it was ready to come out...and it was. He never even knew I had pulled it! I took him into the bathroom, put him on the counter, and told him to open his mouth. The resulting look was priceless!

Excited beyond belief, he went to bed last night eagerly awaiting the tooth fairy. This morning he awoke and said, "MOMMA! The tooth fairy left me a coin!" True. It was a quarter. :) Then, with a little disappointment in his voice, he said, "Next time Mommy, do you think we could ask for a toothbrush instead? I'd rather have a new toothbrush!"

Never before have any of my children asked for toothbrushes from the tooth fairy! Some of the big guys think Ryan's lost his mind...

But he's still cute. The toothless one:

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious that Ryan would have preferred a toothbrush!
