Thursday, September 1, 2011

6 years ago…

…we got a VERY important phone call.  The caller let us know that the packet we’d been waiting for was in, and if we wanted to come pick it up we could.  Wanted to?  We’d been waiting for MONTHS for this information…we’d be on our way immediately.  Inside, we found these:

Yang Fu Tao

Yang Fu Tao visa cropped

Referral pictures (and paperwork) for a baby born just 8 1/2 months before.  He looked so worried with his furrowed little brow!  We couldn’t wait to go get him.

We left about 7 weeks later, and brought home Ryan Joseph.  It’s been quite an adventure!  He’s a joy and a delight.  And now we only see that furrowed brow when he’s joking with us.  No more worried baby!

November 2005 008

November 2005, 10 months old


May 2006, 16 months

 ryan 006

Feb 2008, 3 years

homecoming 003

January 2009, 4 years

ryan and logan 002

January 2010, 5 years (yes, it’s the same shirt!  He doesn’t grow very fast…)


January 2011, 6 years.  (Same shirt. Again.  And it’s STILL in the drawer…)

Ryan, you are such a blessing!  It is quite an honor to be your parents.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I loved the look back at Baby Ryan and seeing him grow. What a great boy you have. By the way, Rachel told me that she decided Ryan is her "boyfriend." Look out! :)
