Saturday, February 9, 2008


I've never been good at "limbo." The not knowing what is happening causes my stress level to soar after while, and we've hit that point. I guess it's a good thing I have REALLY low blood pressure normally, since it would be through the roof right now.

This business of not knowing when we're going to travel, when I have to have our $$ from the bank (new bills only, of course, so not easy to get), when I need to make sure everyone's paperwork is ready so we can get visas, exactly who is going to be able to go with us and what we're going to do with those who can't, how Jim's going to manage the time off with his job so crazy right now...well you get the picture. It's beginning to really weigh on me, and as hard as I try to leave it to God, I'm doing a pretty good job right now of taking it back about every 30 minutes! I KNOW He's in control of the timing and the finances and the arrangements, so why do I insist on worrying?? Probably because it's the only thing I can do right now.

Emily and I went to Target this morning and picked up some basics, including some meds and travel stuff for our trip. My "China box" is getting more full, which is good. But still, it's hard to know how much I need since I still don't know who/how many are going.

Jim's work schedule is hard too, and can be the source of struggles if I let it. He's working about 55-60 hours a week right now, and I'm really starting to feel it. But he just walked in the door! I'm off to spend some time with him...more later!



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