Thursday, March 6, 2008

A bit off topic...

...or maybe not.

Please keep Jim in your prayers. He's SWAMPED at work right now and really starting to feel the stress. Don't get me wrong--he loves his job, but it's a bit much some days. He's been very busy with some contract negotiations the last 2 weeks and now is under the gun to finish a huge project by March 21 so he can spend the following week in Japan. (Yep, the same week as spring break around here. For all four school aged kids. ICK! Oh well.) He can do it, and will, but I know that things feel out of control. He's also been dealing with gallstones and some fairly significant pain, which is exacerbated by stress. He needs gallbladder removal surgery, but right now doesn't have time to schedule it. Talk about a "catch-22." Just pray for strength and wisdom for him in the coming weeks. Understanding for the rest of us would be good too. ;)

Pray too for us as we need to make some decisions about who gets to go with us and when we travel. Costs increase signficantly if we wait until mid-May, so we're trying to balance all the pieces and determine what's most important. Getting Logan home is most important, of course, but timing and travel companions--I can't imagine a more fun group to spend time in China with than our children!--are also important. We need to make some decisions soon so that we can get visas. I'm so glad that God knows the right answers!!

Thanks for the prayers,


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