Monday, November 26, 2007

Dossier to China!

We hit a huge milestone last week. Thanks to the tireless work of our agency, our dossier is officially on it's way to China. It should arrive in the next day or so (I have the tracking number, so I'm "watching" the package go to China!), then we wait while it's logged in. The "log in date" is what determines our place in line, and when our dossier is reviewed, approved, and completed. So now that the rush is over, we wait. Patiently, we hope! Of course it helps that the other guys are busy with their activities, so we certainly have no lack of things to fill our time. :)

As we wait, we would ask that you would continue to pray with us, especially for Logan. The transition from China to America at age 3 1/2 may not be easy. Pray that God would, even now, be preparing his heart for a new family and a new life. Pray for us that we will be able to provide the love, the security, and the consistency that Logan needs as we all make this transition, and pray too for the staff in his home. They mourn each time a child leaves, even though they are going to permanent families. Those nannies love the children, and Logan has been in his group home for over 3 years. We are prepared for a difficult transition even as we pray for God's peace in the process.

Thankful for a great agency, and for God, from whom ALL blessings flow!!


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Logan pictures (finally!!)

I know I promised these a long time ago, but here are some pictures of our Logan:

"referral" picture--the one that captured my heart
Many comment that Logan and Ryan look similar in this picture

Taken in June 2007 at his home

June 2007. Logan apparently loves sports. He should fit in well here. :)

Taken in October 2007, about Logan's 3rd birthday. LOVE the smile.

way too long between updates...

Well, our paperwork is officially finished! The homestudy was approved, so we took a short trip to Yakima in mid-October to submit our application for our 171H (immigration approval). This last piece of paper is like gold--it's confirmation from the US government that if everything in China is as presented here at home, they will give Logan a visa to enter the US. This piece frequently takes the longest to get, but ours was relatively quick. It arrived here about 4 weeks after application, so we felt pretty good. Thanks to an AWESOME courier, it was quickly authenticated and sent to the agency. They have everything all ready to go and will let us know after the Thanksgiving holiday exactly what day our dossier left for China. Now comes the hard part: WAITING!! But, with all the other guys, and basketball season upon us, it should go quickly.

And those other guys are keeping us plenty busy. In October, just after my last update, Emily hurt her knee playing volleyball. Several trips to the doctor later, she's scheduled for surgery on December 6 to repair a torn meniscus in her left knee. No basketball for her this year, but volleyball next fall has a green light. Please pray for a quick recovery for her.

Basketball season is upon us, and for the first time we find ourselves with only ONE player! Pretty amazing, all things considered, but Brent's not playing this year, Emily can't because of her knee, and Victoria will play during the middle school girls season, which starts in February. So only Hailey is playing right now. She made the varsity squad and is having a blast with that. Last night was "Red and White Night" a big intrasquad scrimmage and all-school spaghetti feed on campus. In the first 90 seconds of her game, Hailey dislocated her finger and spent the rest of the evening in the ER. Hopefully it does not become a swift end to a very short season... Other than those minor hitches, life is good. :)